I recently watched a couple of shows on TiVo (so these are from roughly a week ago), and caught a couple of "upcoming news previews" concerning a proposed illegal immigrant ordinance in Carpentersville. One was done by Diann Burns, and the other by Antonio Mora. I forget Mr. Mora's exact wording, but Ms. Burns' comment was about an ordinance that would supposedly "ban Hispanics" from a local town. Mr. Mora's comment was roughly the same.
Aside from making completely inaccurate descriptions of the Carpentersville proposal, I am disgusted by the blatant display of racism from both of your anchors. To assume that all Hispanics are in this country illegally is the height of ignorance. Worse yet is the portrayal of those opposed to illegal immigration as racist, as Mr. Mora and Ms. Burns themselves propagate an ignorant, racist lie.
Mr. Mora and Ms. Burns are a disgrace to your newsroom.
Apparently CBS7 (Wow. Imagine that. The network of Dan Rather!) feels that calling others racist is more important than accurately reporting the news.
From the Chicago Tribune:
In what experts said was a first for the Chicago area, two Carpentersville trustees have proposed that the village punish landlords and businesses that "aid and abet" illegal immigrants.
Their ordinance would deny business permits and village contracts for any employer who hired undocumented workers. It also would fine landlords $1,000 for knowingly renting property to illegal immigrants.
Notice. Nothing about punishing those who hire or rent to Hispanics.