Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Miss Universe 2008
Just some quick coments (by others) about Miss Universe, Miss Venezuela, Dayana Mendoza:
According to the guys at Powerline, she had a nice visit at Guantanamo Bay. "Miss Mendoza was once kidnapped and held for ransom in Caracas, a sort of crime that plagues Venezuela. Maybe that colors her attitude toward terrorists."
Her blog is here.
Drunken Barstool
How can you NOT drink and drive on this thing? Even going to the bathroom is a moving violation.
Ohio man arrested for drunk driving on a motorized barstool.
Obama vs The Public On Taxes
Back to Rasmussen again: 63% of U.S. voters now say tax cuts would help the economy. This is the highest level recorded since Rasmussen began tracking this issue back in the mid-1990's.
In related news, 51% of voters believe increasing taxes will hurt the economy, while only 23% say it would help the economy.
And, in news that the directly contradicts Obama's plans(1), 54% of voters what to see a tax policy that benefits the economy, rather than one that makes people pay their "fair share".
(1) In one of the Democratic primary debates, hosted by Charlie Gibson, (transcript) Obama said that he would raise the capital gains tax not for the purpose of increasing revenues to the treasury, but "for purposes of fairness."
In related news, 51% of voters believe increasing taxes will hurt the economy, while only 23% say it would help the economy.
And, in news that the directly contradicts Obama's plans(1), 54% of voters what to see a tax policy that benefits the economy, rather than one that makes people pay their "fair share".
(1) In one of the Democratic primary debates, hosted by Charlie Gibson, (transcript) Obama said that he would raise the capital gains tax not for the purpose of increasing revenues to the treasury, but "for purposes of fairness."
Monday, March 30, 2009
Obama: Salesman Of The Year
Rumor has it that President Obama will be making a stop at Top Gun shooting range's annual company dinner.
He is up for Salesman of the Year.
He is up for Salesman of the Year.
Great Minds Thinking Alike On School Choice
So, this morning I was driving the kids to school, and the news story came on about Obama forcing the CEO of GM to resign, and I started thinking about the end of the DC school choice program.
It's a real shame that those poor, black children currently attending the same elite private school as Obama's daughters aren't instead the children of executives at AIG or GM.
Then, on the way home, Dan Proft comes on WLS and says essentially the same thing.
He goes on as well, rightfully criticizing US Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan for his comments that the program must be shut down because if can only help 17,000 children. So, according to Arne, since all the kids can't be saved, none of them should be.
Obama's slogan should be The Elimination of Hope.
It's a real shame that those poor, black children currently attending the same elite private school as Obama's daughters aren't instead the children of executives at AIG or GM.
Then, on the way home, Dan Proft comes on WLS and says essentially the same thing.
He goes on as well, rightfully criticizing US Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan for his comments that the program must be shut down because if can only help 17,000 children. So, according to Arne, since all the kids can't be saved, none of them should be.
Obama's slogan should be The Elimination of Hope.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Contradictions of Obama's Economic Plans
On February 9th, President Obama visited Elkhart, Indiana, the American community with the country’s highest unemployment rate, 15.3 percent. (It had been only 4.7 percent the year before.) He was there to sell his stimulus bill, then moving through Congress and since signed. He noted that the bill would provide help for the workers who had lost their jobs and, more important, help them get their jobs back by reviving the economy.
The jobs that have vanished in Elkhart are predominantly in the recreational-vehicle industry, which is concentrated in the city of 52,000. With the severe recession the country is now experiencing, it is hardly surprising that this industry has been devastated. After all, an RV is expensive both to purchase and to operate and is hardly a necessity. But when the economy recovers, will those jobs come back as demand for RV’s returns? Or, in the meantime, will new environmental regulations championed by Obama work to impede the sales of vehicles that get only a few miles to the gallon and thereby make job growth in Elkhart an impossibility?
The latter seems to be the case.
A must read.
TOTUS has a new screen!
Comments of Obama's latest press event:
Senator Dodd? Representative Frank? I think he's talking to you. Or at least he should be...
Really? I thought this money wasn't supposed to hit the economy until 2010? I somehow doubt he's able to point to a specific teacher, officer, or bridge.
How are home sales up if no one is lending money?
There are a few things wrong with this paragraph. Bubble-to-bust is what capitalism does. There is a cycle of economic growth, and at some point competition and the free market will determine that some companies have overexpanded; some products are obsolete; some markets have changed. That leads inevitably to a "bust." But these have typically been small busts. And they are good busts. It is the market correcting itself and reacting to changes in consumer needs and wants. After each "bust" the economy is stronger. Unless, of course, the government gets involved too much and mucks things up. In the probably over-used analogy, should the government have stepped in to save the horse and buggy industry?
And...what a government with maxed out credit and overbearing debt? It's somehow good if the government is spending trillions of dollars it doesn't have?
His faux outrage of AIG and the bonuses is just plain laughable. He specifically allowed those bonuses.
Yes, actually, we do. It's called bankruptcy. Bankruptcy allows a company to "renegotiate contracts, get rid of bad assets, strengthen capital requirements, resell it on the private marketplace." So why exactly does government need to step in here?
Finally! Some honesty!
Oops. Gone now.
So it's spend a lot of money RIGHT NOW, the way I say to do it, or nothing? The implicit message here is that everyone is just criticizing and not offering any alternatives. This is, obviously, bunk. There have been plenty of alternatives, including ones from Democrats. Some that immediately come to mind: ANWAR; school choice; flat tax; federal income-tax holiday. Hardly standing pat.
"It took us a couple of days because I like to know what I'm talking about before I speak." ie: Someone had to write my response for me and put it up on the teleprompter. And it took a couple of days to get that nifty new LCD screen setup and in place.
Regarding embryonic stem cells: "what I don't want to do is predetermine this based on a very rigid ideological approach"? Really? Then why ban cloning? Isn't that a "rigid ideological approach"? And then he says "there's always an ethical and a moral element that has to be -- be a part of this". Why? Why are you bringing up rigid ideology again? That's what ethics and morality is, you know? An ideology. So, basically, he's saying he does not want to be constrained by morals or ethics, yet he wants them to be taken into consideration?
Does he ever listen to anything he says?
Oh wait. Of course not. He just says what TOTUS tells him to say.
Now, it's important to remember that this crisis didn't happen overnight and it didn't result from any one action or decision. It took many years and many failures to lead us here.
Senator Dodd? Representative Frank? I think he's talking to you. Or at least he should be...
The first step we took was to pass a recovery plan to jump-start job creation and put money in people's pockets. This plan's already saved the jobs of teachers and police officers. It's creating construction jobs to rebuild roads and bridges.
Really? I thought this money wasn't supposed to hit the economy until 2010? I somehow doubt he's able to point to a specific teacher, officer, or bridge.
we're also beginning to see signs of increased sales and stabilizing home prices for the first time in a very long time. ... Secretary Geithner announced a new plan that will partner government resources with private investment to buy up the assets that are preventing our banks from lending money.
How are home sales up if no one is lending money?
Finally, the most critical part of our strategy is to ensure that we do not return to an economic cycle of bubble and bust in this country. We know that an economy built on reckless speculation, inflated home prices, and maxed-out credit cards does not create lasting wealth. It creates the illusion of prosperity, and it's endangered us all.
There are a few things wrong with this paragraph. Bubble-to-bust is what capitalism does. There is a cycle of economic growth, and at some point competition and the free market will determine that some companies have overexpanded; some products are obsolete; some markets have changed. That leads inevitably to a "bust." But these have typically been small busts. And they are good busts. It is the market correcting itself and reacting to changes in consumer needs and wants. After each "bust" the economy is stronger. Unless, of course, the government gets involved too much and mucks things up. In the probably over-used analogy, should the government have stepped in to save the horse and buggy industry?
And...what a government with maxed out credit and overbearing debt? It's somehow good if the government is spending trillions of dollars it doesn't have?
His faux outrage of AIG and the bonuses is just plain laughable. He specifically allowed those bonuses.
So we've got a regular mechanism whereby we deal with FDIC- insured banks. We don't have that same capacity with an institution like AIG.
Yes, actually, we do. It's called bankruptcy. Bankruptcy allows a company to "renegotiate contracts, get rid of bad assets, strengthen capital requirements, resell it on the private marketplace." So why exactly does government need to step in here?
And I think that there's going to be strong support from the American people and from Congress to provide that authority: Yet, according to Rasmussen 45% of adults want to stop all bailouts for the financial industry. And 67% think politicians should give back contributions from AIG. Do you hear that Mr. President? Give the money back.
QUESTION: Thank you, Mr. President. At both of your town hall meetings in California last week, you said, quote, "I didn't run for president to pass on our problems to the next generation."
But under your budget, the debt will increase $7 trillion over the next 10 years. The Congressional Budget Office says $9.3 trillion. And today on Capitol Hill, some Republicans called your budget, with all the spending on health care, education and environment, the most irresponsible budget in American history.
Finally! Some honesty!
Oops. Gone now.
Now, the alternative is to stand pat and to simply say, "We are just going to not invest in health care. We're not going to take on energy. We'll wait until the next time that gas gets to $4 a gallon. We will not improve our schools. And we'll allow China or India or other countries to lap our young people in terms of their performance. We will settle on lower growth rates, and we will continue to contract, both as an economy and our ability to -- to provide a better life for our kids."
So it's spend a lot of money RIGHT NOW, the way I say to do it, or nothing? The implicit message here is that everyone is just criticizing and not offering any alternatives. This is, obviously, bunk. There have been plenty of alternatives, including ones from Democrats. Some that immediately come to mind: ANWAR; school choice; flat tax; federal income-tax holiday. Hardly standing pat.
"It took us a couple of days because I like to know what I'm talking about before I speak." ie: Someone had to write my response for me and put it up on the teleprompter. And it took a couple of days to get that nifty new LCD screen setup and in place.
Regarding embryonic stem cells: "what I don't want to do is predetermine this based on a very rigid ideological approach"? Really? Then why ban cloning? Isn't that a "rigid ideological approach"? And then he says "there's always an ethical and a moral element that has to be -- be a part of this". Why? Why are you bringing up rigid ideology again? That's what ethics and morality is, you know? An ideology. So, basically, he's saying he does not want to be constrained by morals or ethics, yet he wants them to be taken into consideration?
Does he ever listen to anything he says?
Oh wait. Of course not. He just says what TOTUS tells him to say.
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Problem With Barack Obama
"It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something."
-President Obama, March 19, 2009
President Obama's recent "joke" on The Tonight Show about the Special Olympics has many people outraged, but also, unfortunately, has many people reflexively defending the President again.
For over eight years, every utterance of George W. Bush was picked over, and every flub, stutter, and mis-speak was offered up as further proof that George W. Bush is an idiot.
And now, yet again, Obama has inadvertantly shown his true colors, and we see all the Obama apologists come out of the woodwork.
Obama is a wonderful orator. When scripted and using the teleprompter, he is eloquent and can even sound quite inspiring. He does truly have a talent for public speaking.
It is a shame that he so desperately requires the teleprompter. He even needed it for his first press conference.
Whenever he speaks off the cuff, he tends to, often embarrassingly, reveal his true nature.
During the campaign, he referred to a female reporter condescendingly as "sweetie." This was dismissed as Obama just being "friendly."
When walking around a Cleveland suburb, he inadvertently made his famous "spread the wealth around" comment. Rather than engaging in a debate about that comment, the Obama camp began attacking "Joe the Plumber" for merely asking a question.
Now, in a relaxed, unguarded moment, with a sympathetic interviewer, in front of a friendly audience, Obama once again gives us a disturbing glimpse into his soul with his Special Olympics comment.
What kind of human being, while ostensibly trying to make a joke at his own expense, instead insults a significant segment of the population?
Did George W. Bush, stupid as he allegedly is, ever say anything close to Obama's terribly insulting comment?
To defend Obama's comment, the "best" some people can do is come back with comments about Bush's "low" GPA, or his "inability" to use big words. They can't truly defend Obama's so-called "flub," so they reflexively retort with tired, overused "Bushisms," even though the comparison is ridiculous on it's face.
The disturbing truth, that those smitten with Obama are incapable of accepting, is that Obama is an arrogant, elitist, insensitive dolt.
-President Obama, March 19, 2009
President Obama's recent "joke" on The Tonight Show about the Special Olympics has many people outraged, but also, unfortunately, has many people reflexively defending the President again.
For over eight years, every utterance of George W. Bush was picked over, and every flub, stutter, and mis-speak was offered up as further proof that George W. Bush is an idiot.
And now, yet again, Obama has inadvertantly shown his true colors, and we see all the Obama apologists come out of the woodwork.
Obama is a wonderful orator. When scripted and using the teleprompter, he is eloquent and can even sound quite inspiring. He does truly have a talent for public speaking.
It is a shame that he so desperately requires the teleprompter. He even needed it for his first press conference.
Whenever he speaks off the cuff, he tends to, often embarrassingly, reveal his true nature.
During the campaign, he referred to a female reporter condescendingly as "sweetie." This was dismissed as Obama just being "friendly."
When walking around a Cleveland suburb, he inadvertently made his famous "spread the wealth around" comment. Rather than engaging in a debate about that comment, the Obama camp began attacking "Joe the Plumber" for merely asking a question.
Now, in a relaxed, unguarded moment, with a sympathetic interviewer, in front of a friendly audience, Obama once again gives us a disturbing glimpse into his soul with his Special Olympics comment.
What kind of human being, while ostensibly trying to make a joke at his own expense, instead insults a significant segment of the population?
Did George W. Bush, stupid as he allegedly is, ever say anything close to Obama's terribly insulting comment?
To defend Obama's comment, the "best" some people can do is come back with comments about Bush's "low" GPA, or his "inability" to use big words. They can't truly defend Obama's so-called "flub," so they reflexively retort with tired, overused "Bushisms," even though the comparison is ridiculous on it's face.
The disturbing truth, that those smitten with Obama are incapable of accepting, is that Obama is an arrogant, elitist, insensitive dolt.
down syndrome,
Jesus is sitting in a bar...
From PowerLine:
A Republican walked into a bar and asked the bartender, "Isn't that Jesus over there?" When the bartender said "Yes," the Republican sent over a drink. "Put it on my tab," he said.
A little later a Libertarian walked in. "Say," he said, "Isn't that Jesus sitting over there?" The barman said, "Yes," so the Libertarian sent over a hamburger.
Presently a Democrat showed up, noticed Jesus and sent over a plate of french fries.
Jesus soon left. On his way out he stopped to talk to the Republican. "Thanks for the drink," he said; "It was really good. Is there anything I can do for you?" "Well," said the Republican, "I'm facing knee surgery..." "Don't say another word," said Jesus as he laid a hand on the man's knee. "You are healed."
Jesus came to the Libertarian and said, "Thanks for the hamburger. It was really good. Is there anything I can do for you?" "Well," said the Libertarian, "I have cataracts..." Jesus placed his fingers on the man's eyes and said, "You are healed."
Finally, Jesus came to the Democrat. He thanked him for the fries and offered him any help he needed. "Don't touch me!" shouted the Democrat, "I'm on Disability!!"
Thursday, March 19, 2009
A Two Way Stop Means YOU Don't Have To Stop, Moron!
Why do people with the right-of-way feel the need to stop at a two-way stop? Do you see a stop sign in front of your car? Do you see me moving? And why the hell are you waving me thru?! YOU DON'T HAVE A STOP SIGN!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Democrats Want One Voice For Newspapers, But Talk Radio Needs To Be More Fair
While not necessarily pressing for an old-style "Fairness Doctrine" to force radio stations to stop carrying Rush, Democrats have been talking about mandating more "diversity" in station ownership. The general belief being that stations owned my women and minorities would be less likely to carry Rush by choice, which would, by liberal thinking, thus reduce his audience and influence. (Side note, if you want to reduce his influence, Mr. President and company, maybe you shouldn't keep talkng about him. Eh?)
But, now, according to this Reuters article, Democrats are considering easing anti-trust policy in order to save the newspaper industry.
This is, rather unsurprisingly, being urged by none other than Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D).
Per the article:
They're also reeling from lack of reader trust.
What about talk radio? Can you include that too?
Snort-worthy comment of the day:
Who broke Rather-gate? Who broke the credit card contribution fraud at Obama's campaign website? The Air America embezzlement scandal? And all those doctored images from the AP & Reuters? Oh yeah. Blogs.
So, a lot of radio stations, under one umbrella company, broadcasting Rush Limbaugh: bad.
But a lot of newspapers, all owned by, say, Geroge Soros perhaps: good.
Maybe we can get Rupert Murdoch to start buying newspapers.
But, now, according to this Reuters article, Democrats are considering easing anti-trust policy in order to save the newspaper industry.
This is, rather unsurprisingly, being urged by none other than Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D).
Per the article:
The industry is reeling from declining circulation, economic recession and a shift in advertising and reader attention to online media. Venerable newspapers have closed or -- such as the Hearst Corp's Seattle Post-Intelligencer this week -- gone to Internet-only editions with reduced staff.
They're also reeling from lack of reader trust.
Pelosi, a Democrat whose California district is served by Hearst's The San Francisco Chronicle, urged Holder to take a broad view of newspaper competitors under antitrust law and include "electronic and digital" outlets.
What about talk radio? Can you include that too?
Snort-worthy comment of the day:
Newspaper defenders say online news outlets lack the resources and ambition of newspapers. "Our newspapers and news media must be able to engage in investigative journalism and to analyze significant issues, so citizens are informed of public policy issues and public officials are held accountable," Pelosi said in her letter to Holder.
Who broke Rather-gate? Who broke the credit card contribution fraud at Obama's campaign website? The Air America embezzlement scandal? And all those doctored images from the AP & Reuters? Oh yeah. Blogs.
So, a lot of radio stations, under one umbrella company, broadcasting Rush Limbaugh: bad.
But a lot of newspapers, all owned by, say, Geroge Soros perhaps: good.
Maybe we can get Rupert Murdoch to start buying newspapers.
fairness doctrine,
CBS Screams: Limbaugh’s Favorable Rating At 19%!
Oh my god!! People hate Rush Limbaugh!
But wait!
From the same poll, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D), has only an 18% approval rating.
New CBS headline: Limbaugh More Popular Than Democrat Speaker!
Other tidbits:
But wait!
From the same poll, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D), has only an 18% approval rating.
New CBS headline: Limbaugh More Popular Than Democrat Speaker!
Other tidbits:
- 57% of people think the country is on the wrong track
- 47% think labor unions have too much influence
- 68% find pork earmarks unacceptable (Are you listening Senator Schumer (D)?
- Joe Biden has a 23% favorable rating
Battlestar Galactica At The UN
So it was recently announced that there will be a Battlestar Galactica panel discussion at the United Nations.
BSG has addressed numerous "current" issues, including torture, terrorism, religion, genocide, election fraud, and just general politics. They've all been handled relatively well and interestingly, keeping the show moving forward with pretty interesting plot lines.
But, uh...it's a TV show.
And while there are certainly differences between issues on BSG and real life, there are also some similarities.
The terrorists in BSG were Cylon sympatheziers. BSG, naturally, portrayed them in a sympathetic light, and they were far from evil. Unfortunately, they could probably be equated with holocost deniers, and those who want to better "understand" Islamist terrorists.
You also have the somewhat Arafat-esque Tom Zarek. He's a terrorist with political aspiratons. After becoming Vice-President, he ultimately leads a coup against the cililian government. He also murders all the Quorum members.
BSG has been hailed for examining issues such as terrorism from a deeper, more complex point of view. But it fails to address actual evil. Yes, Virginia, there are bad people out there.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad And His Cylon Advisor At A Recent Press Conference
Even the clylons, who attempted genocide against the human race are now sympathetic creatures, ones we need to understand, and not hate for what they did.
Which brings us back to the UN, Arafat--and now Iran's President Ahmadinejad--and the holocost.
The Cylons devised a "Final Solution." Ahmadinejad is working on one. Hitler had one. All three of those are evil, and not to be "understood."
After all, if the tiny rag-tag group of remaining humans can get along with Cylons, why can't we get along with Ahmadinejad?
A better question might be: if the tiny rag-tag group of remaining humans can get along with Cylons, why can't people like Ahmadinejad get along with the Jews? With the big difference being that the Jews never attempted genocide against another people or religion.
The United Nations: Where people of all colors, nations, creeds, and religions can come together and blame the Jews.
BSG has addressed numerous "current" issues, including torture, terrorism, religion, genocide, election fraud, and just general politics. They've all been handled relatively well and interestingly, keeping the show moving forward with pretty interesting plot lines.
But, uh...it's a TV show.
And while there are certainly differences between issues on BSG and real life, there are also some similarities.
The terrorists in BSG were Cylon sympatheziers. BSG, naturally, portrayed them in a sympathetic light, and they were far from evil. Unfortunately, they could probably be equated with holocost deniers, and those who want to better "understand" Islamist terrorists.
You also have the somewhat Arafat-esque Tom Zarek. He's a terrorist with political aspiratons. After becoming Vice-President, he ultimately leads a coup against the cililian government. He also murders all the Quorum members.
BSG has been hailed for examining issues such as terrorism from a deeper, more complex point of view. But it fails to address actual evil. Yes, Virginia, there are bad people out there.
Even the clylons, who attempted genocide against the human race are now sympathetic creatures, ones we need to understand, and not hate for what they did.
Which brings us back to the UN, Arafat--and now Iran's President Ahmadinejad--and the holocost.
The Cylons devised a "Final Solution." Ahmadinejad is working on one. Hitler had one. All three of those are evil, and not to be "understood."
After all, if the tiny rag-tag group of remaining humans can get along with Cylons, why can't we get along with Ahmadinejad?
A better question might be: if the tiny rag-tag group of remaining humans can get along with Cylons, why can't people like Ahmadinejad get along with the Jews? With the big difference being that the Jews never attempted genocide against another people or religion.
The United Nations: Where people of all colors, nations, creeds, and religions can come together and blame the Jews.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I Want Blago Back!
Among Governor Quinn's tax hike proposals is this gem:
Raising the license plate fee from $78 to $98.
Thanks Governor Rya^H^H^H^H Quinn.
Raising the license plate fee from $78 to $98.
Thanks Governor Rya^H^H^H^H Quinn.
Give Your Computer The Finger
A guy lost a finger, and desided to have a USB key fitted as a prosthesis.
I really hope that the finger comes off. I can't imagine sitting there with my finger shoved into the USB port on my computer. It'd kill my back.
Where the hell is wireless USB when you need it? :-)
I really hope that the finger comes off. I can't imagine sitting there with my finger shoved into the USB port on my computer. It'd kill my back.
Where the hell is wireless USB when you need it? :-)
Honoring Irving B. Kahn, The Inventor Of The Teleprompter
So this guy has been popping up today as the Inventor Of Obama's Brain:
Obama and his brain:
It was the mid 1950’s and the story goes that Kahn just kind of stumbled upon the idea while working on a project for the U.S. Army. It wasn’t a military project; he was trying to come up with a way to make persuasive presentations to visiting Congressmen.
When the teleprompter was brought into the tv newsroom, it was such a huge success, that Kahn formed the TelePrompTer Company. In 1972, he lost control of the company and founded Broadband Communications.
We do not know if Mr. Kahn, who died in 1994, was fully aware of the fact that he was the creator of the brain of the 44th President of the United States!
No wonder Mr. Obama could not wean himself from his teleprompter! Without it, he is missing a vital organ, namely his brain. What kind of President has no brain? I mean, it’s just like a cigarette: once you’re hooked it’s hard to quit.
I certainly shudder at the thought of the teleprompter going missing in the middle of a crisis. When that 3 am phone call comes in, that teleprompter better be up and running. What kind of President can make a crisis decision without his teleprompter, uh, I mean brain?
If you want see what a mess this country would be in if Mr. President wakes up at 3 am and that red phone is ringing, just watch the following video, and shudder. And get down on your knees and give thanks for Irving B. Kahn; may he rest in peace knowing he has saved our country from having a President with no brain.
Obama and his brain:
AIG Is Nothing. I'm pissed at the Senate's Automatic Raises
Ignore the faux outrage over AIG. The bigger problem is the Senate. US Senators get automatic pay raises each year. This year, that amounts to an additional $4,700.
GOP Sen. David Vitter did try to attach an amendment to the recent $410-billion pork bill, but Sen. Reid (D) killed it.
So we're in a recession, people are losing jobs, and only 18% of Americans think Congress is doing a good job.
So, WHY exactly do "our" Senators deserve a raise?
$165-million at AIG for bonuses. Big deal. That is nothing compared to all the pork contained in the "stimulus" bill.
Senator Schumer says Americans don't care about pork. If true, why should we care about a piddling $165-million spent at AIG?
GOP Sen. David Vitter did try to attach an amendment to the recent $410-billion pork bill, but Sen. Reid (D) killed it.
So we're in a recession, people are losing jobs, and only 18% of Americans think Congress is doing a good job.
So, WHY exactly do "our" Senators deserve a raise?
$165-million at AIG for bonuses. Big deal. That is nothing compared to all the pork contained in the "stimulus" bill.
Senator Schumer says Americans don't care about pork. If true, why should we care about a piddling $165-million spent at AIG?
From the AP:
Bush refuses to criticize Obama in Canada:
Something Carter and most Democrats are lacking.
Bush refuses to criticize Obama in Canada:
CALGARY, Alberta (AP) - Former President George W. Bush says he won't criticize President Barack Obama because Obama "deserves my silence," and says he plans to write a book about the 12 toughest decisions he made in office. Bush's speech Tuesday at a luncheon in Calgary, Alberta was his first since leaving office.
He declined to comment about the Obama administration like former Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney said Sunday that Obama's decisions are threatening the nation's safety.
Bush says he doesn't know what he'll do in the long term but says he'll write a book that will let people determine what they would have done if their most important job was to protect the country.
Something Carter and most Democrats are lacking.
Not the AIG I knew.
I do love Scrappleface.
(2009-03-17) — As the furor over AIG executive bonuses threatened to bring the current economic recovery to a halt, President Barack Obama and Sen. Chris Dodd today threw fuel on the fire, announcing their “fierce outrage” upon hearing that the insurance giant had given each of their campaigns more than $100,000 last year.
“While AIG was collapsing, and her executives crawling to DC with hat in hand,” said Sen. Dodd, D-CT, “my campaign, and then-Senator Obama’s were getting what can only be termed influence bonuses from the same firm. Naturally, I knew nothing about this, and I’m now seething with anger at the injustice.”
President Obama and Sen. Dodd were the two largest recipients of campaign contributions from the beleaguered company, and the only politicians to garner six-figure amounts from AIG in 2008 — $103,100 for Sen. Dodd and $100,332 for presidential candidate Obama.
AIG, which has received $170 billion in taxpayer cash from the federal government since September, gave more than $585,000 to Congressional and presidential candidates last year, favoring Democrats 3-to-1 over Republicans.
In unrelated news, Sen. Dodd proposed legislation requiring AIG political gifts to be returned to the U.S. Treasury, “exempting only those campaign contributions made before November 4, 2008.”
The senator’s office immediately issued a statement declaring that Sen. Dodd was not aware that he had proposed such the exemption.
Springtime Colds
So, every single part of me is fine except for my left nostril. It won't stop running.
This sucks.
This sucks.
Wearing Blue Today
Got my blue jeans on and my blue Harley shirt for St. Patrick's day.
Americans usually wear green on St. Patrick's Day -- but in Ireland, green was considered to be an unlucky color for a long time. Green was considered the favorite color for the Good People, or faeries, in Irish folklore, and they liked to steal people and especially children who wore too much green.
The original color associated with St. Patrick was blue, not green.
Blue Two:
According to Faith Central, Blue not green is the color originally associated with St Patrick. "St Patrick's Blue" is used on Ireland's Presidential Standard or flag, while the Irish Guards sport a plume of St Patrick's blue in their bearskins. The emphasis on green is thought to be linked to "wearing the Green", a symbol from the 18th century on, of sympathy with Irish independence.
st. patrick
Monday, March 16, 2009
How progressive are you? I'm Very Conservative!
With a hat tip to
Brooks Bayne via GayPatriot.
See how progressive you are! Take the quiz.
And, to American Progress, you should be aware that there is a difference between legal and illegal immigrants.
I scored an impressive 84, btw!
A nice response, and a better Progressive Quiz.
Brooks Bayne via GayPatriot.
See how progressive you are! Take the quiz.
And, to American Progress, you should be aware that there is a difference between legal and illegal immigrants.
I scored an impressive 84, btw!
A nice response, and a better Progressive Quiz.
Why we need card check: No one wants to join a union
Per Rasmussen, only 9% of non-union workers want to join a union.
Typerical liberal operating procedure: What you can't obtain at the ballot box, obtain by force.
Where force is (but is not limited to) the courts, and union thuggery.
Typerical liberal operating procedure: What you can't obtain at the ballot box, obtain by force.
Where force is (but is not limited to) the courts, and union thuggery.
Obama Fingers
A German food company is selling Obama branded chicken nuggets: Der Spiegel
My first thought was, since Obama is giving all responsible Americans the finger (Wall Street bailouts, auto-industry bailouts, mortgage bailouts), why not this? Bite it off or something, I guess.
My first thought was, since Obama is giving all responsible Americans the finger (Wall Street bailouts, auto-industry bailouts, mortgage bailouts), why not this? Bite it off or something, I guess.
Bad drivers
Unfortunately, I could not get a picture--had Kira walking into school, and they were towing the car out as I walked out--but someone managed to back their car into a really nice Victorian house across the street from Canty. It's fortunate that the house didn't collapse.
I have no idea how it happened.
I have no idea how it happened.
Streaming Videos With pyTivo vs Wii
Since CBS Channel 2 OTA reception is pretty much non-existant, I have been downloading shows from the internet (mostly from isohunt) and watching them on the Wii from the 2G SD card. This does, however, require the Wii Homebrew Channel and a Wii version of mplayer. While it does allow me to watch these shows on my TV, it is, to say the least, inconvenient to constantly take the card upstairs to the computer, and wait for the insanely slow transfers to the SD card.
Luckily I inadvertently discovered another solution.
I hit Circuit City the day before they closed for good, and they had a HD-TiVo--floor model including everything but the power cord--for $150. It was, obviously, quite hard to pass up. And to make it even better, it rang up as $120.
So the Samsung box is gone, and all TV is now OTA HD thru the Tivo. As an extra bonus, the TiVo has two ATSC tuners; the single antenna feed is split internally. So we can now record two shows at once! Granted, it is not often that we find two shows that we want to record simultaneously (especially now that I've gotten rid of the DirecTV), but it certainly is a nice feature. Maybe I'll actually start to watch American Idol now. Or not.
I had saved a number of kids shows from DirecTV that I wanted to transfer to the new TiVo, and while the transfers started out OK(1), they are not grouped. After a bit of googling, I discovered that Tivo uses a seriesID, not the show title, to identify and group shows. And the seriesID has to be in the guide data as well. So, since the shows are from channels I no longer receive, I have no way to group the transfered shows. Short of hacking into the thing and perhaps messing with the guide data.
Which brings me to pyTivo. While looking for a non-grouping solution, I stumbled upon a little app called pyTivo. This handy little program, which runs on Linux, Mac, MSWindows, Solaris, and even the Linksys NSLU2 NAS device, allows you to "stream" (see below) videos on your computer to your Tivo.
It is basically a better version of the Tivo Desktop, allowing a much wider range of formats to be viewed on your TV with your Tivo. The best thing about pyTivo is that "it just works." I am running Mandriva cooker, and once I installed ffmpeg (plf version), I started pyTivo, then went down to my living room, pulled up the Now Playing List on the Tivo, and there was my computer share! I was able to browse all my movies, ripped DVDs, etc.
pyTivo will simply transfer mpeg2 compliant videos to the Tivo, and, with ffmpeg, will transcode (nearly) all other formats into a Tivo compatible format before transferring. I say nearly, because ffmpeg has some issues with MKV files. I only got a portion of the video, and even less of the sound on the converted 720p MKV of The Dark Knight. I've only been able to watch that on my computer. I couldn't even burn it to a DVD (again, a ffmpeg issue).
Other than that, movies transfer and play perfectly! It is also nice because I have been making backup rips of the DVDs the kids watch a lot, and I now have a way to easily watch them. Which means I can pack up the DVDs somewhere where prying little hands can't scratch them or throw them across the room. And I can skip the previews & FBI warning taboot!
A couple of notes about "streaming": In order to watch a remote show on the Tivo, you need to transfer the show to the Tivo. You can not just select a remote program and click on Play. However, Tivo does allow you to start viewing immediately. Over my G-band network, shows and DVD rips are transferring quickly enough that I can start viewing immediately, tho I recommend starting the transfer, going to get a glass of water, wine, or whiskey, and then sitting down to watch. Higher definition movies do require a couple of minutes of cache time. Also, the CPU speed of your computer will affect transcoding time of any videos that need to be converted for the Tivo. I have a AMD dual core 5500+, so I don't have too many concerns there.
Also, Tivo places transferring videos in its to-do list, which means that you can't start watching one remote movie, then change your mind and start watching something else. If you change your mind, you need to cancel the transfer, then start the transfer of the new video.
While I have not tried them out, pyTivo also allows you to view pitures and listen to music located on your local network.
There is also a pretty web interface for pyTivo, accessible at http://localhost:9032/ which allows you to add shares (video, picture, or music), change settings, aspect ratio of your TV, etc. Most people will only need to add and remove shares.
Overall, pyTivo is a very handy little application. It has pretty much negated my need to build a home-theater PC with MythTV. (Not that I don't still WANT to....)
(1) My series 2 Tivo appears to have died during the transfers. It was working OK, but now it won't even boot up. I don't know if it was just this Tivo's time to die, or if it had something to do with the transfer process.
Luckily I inadvertently discovered another solution.
I hit Circuit City the day before they closed for good, and they had a HD-TiVo--floor model including everything but the power cord--for $150. It was, obviously, quite hard to pass up. And to make it even better, it rang up as $120.
So the Samsung box is gone, and all TV is now OTA HD thru the Tivo. As an extra bonus, the TiVo has two ATSC tuners; the single antenna feed is split internally. So we can now record two shows at once! Granted, it is not often that we find two shows that we want to record simultaneously (especially now that I've gotten rid of the DirecTV), but it certainly is a nice feature. Maybe I'll actually start to watch American Idol now. Or not.
I had saved a number of kids shows from DirecTV that I wanted to transfer to the new TiVo, and while the transfers started out OK(1), they are not grouped. After a bit of googling, I discovered that Tivo uses a seriesID, not the show title, to identify and group shows. And the seriesID has to be in the guide data as well. So, since the shows are from channels I no longer receive, I have no way to group the transfered shows. Short of hacking into the thing and perhaps messing with the guide data.
Which brings me to pyTivo. While looking for a non-grouping solution, I stumbled upon a little app called pyTivo. This handy little program, which runs on Linux, Mac, MSWindows, Solaris, and even the Linksys NSLU2 NAS device, allows you to "stream" (see below) videos on your computer to your Tivo.
It is basically a better version of the Tivo Desktop, allowing a much wider range of formats to be viewed on your TV with your Tivo. The best thing about pyTivo is that "it just works." I am running Mandriva cooker, and once I installed ffmpeg (plf version), I started pyTivo, then went down to my living room, pulled up the Now Playing List on the Tivo, and there was my computer share! I was able to browse all my movies, ripped DVDs, etc.
pyTivo will simply transfer mpeg2 compliant videos to the Tivo, and, with ffmpeg, will transcode (nearly) all other formats into a Tivo compatible format before transferring. I say nearly, because ffmpeg has some issues with MKV files. I only got a portion of the video, and even less of the sound on the converted 720p MKV of The Dark Knight. I've only been able to watch that on my computer. I couldn't even burn it to a DVD (again, a ffmpeg issue).
Other than that, movies transfer and play perfectly! It is also nice because I have been making backup rips of the DVDs the kids watch a lot, and I now have a way to easily watch them. Which means I can pack up the DVDs somewhere where prying little hands can't scratch them or throw them across the room. And I can skip the previews & FBI warning taboot!
A couple of notes about "streaming": In order to watch a remote show on the Tivo, you need to transfer the show to the Tivo. You can not just select a remote program and click on Play. However, Tivo does allow you to start viewing immediately. Over my G-band network, shows and DVD rips are transferring quickly enough that I can start viewing immediately, tho I recommend starting the transfer, going to get a glass of water, wine, or whiskey, and then sitting down to watch. Higher definition movies do require a couple of minutes of cache time. Also, the CPU speed of your computer will affect transcoding time of any videos that need to be converted for the Tivo. I have a AMD dual core 5500+, so I don't have too many concerns there.
Also, Tivo places transferring videos in its to-do list, which means that you can't start watching one remote movie, then change your mind and start watching something else. If you change your mind, you need to cancel the transfer, then start the transfer of the new video.
While I have not tried them out, pyTivo also allows you to view pitures and listen to music located on your local network.
There is also a pretty web interface for pyTivo, accessible at http://localhost:9032/ which allows you to add shares (video, picture, or music), change settings, aspect ratio of your TV, etc. Most people will only need to add and remove shares.
Overall, pyTivo is a very handy little application. It has pretty much negated my need to build a home-theater PC with MythTV. (Not that I don't still WANT to....)
(1) My series 2 Tivo appears to have died during the transfers. It was working OK, but now it won't even boot up. I don't know if it was just this Tivo's time to die, or if it had something to do with the transfer process.
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