Dear Mr. Russell,
You recently wrote an open letter to conservatives, bemoaning all the supposed hate coming from them, and basically asking why we can't be more tolerant like you and your ilk on the Left.After reading your shallow, hypocritical, ignorant letter, I feel that I have to respond. Responding to each and every point will take up way too much space, so I'll focus on your basic misconceptions. Rather than focus on the hate coming from the left, I prefer to attempt to open your mind. To show you where you are wrong. To challenge some of your misconceptions about conservatives. (Tho I do reserve the right to, at a later date, highlight all the hate that comes from the mainstream Left, as well as to point out your hyprocrasy and blatant errors.)
To begin, you need to stop echoing Democrat talking points and learn to think for yourself. I would suggest turning off MSNBC and CNN as a start. I would suggest that you start watching Fox News (which even Hillary Clinton thanked for its fair and balanced coverage during the Democrat primaries), but that may be too much of a shock to your system.You begin by smearing all conservatives as closed-minded. We're all afraid of change, afraid and hateful of anyone not like us. I'm not sure what you really mean by those statements. What is "not like us" exactly? What does a conservative look like? I can only assume you think all conservatives are straight, white Christian males who own a gun. We probably all have blond hair and blue eyes as well. So, who's guilty of stereotyping, Russell? Your bigotry is revealing.
Rather than criticizing what you think is a conservative, perhaps you would be better off shedding your prejudices and researching what conservativism actually stands for. You have a tiny, myopic view of the world, and you would do us all a great service if you could try to understand why we actually oppose government intrusion into our lives instead of the blanket statement that we're all racists and haters.To expand your narrow view of the world, perhaps you could start by visiting sites like GayPatriot, and GOProud. Yes Russell, gay conservatives. Hard to believe, eh? GayPatriot is even an official CPAC blogger. I would suggest that you start by reading up at those two sites. You would certainly be surprised to learn that an anti-gay speaker was booed from the stage at CPAC.
Yes, we have our nutcases, Russell (the anti-gay speaker just in case you haven't figured it out yet). But we shoo them away. We don't embrace them and ignore their hate because it's politically convenient.I'll understand if you're feeling a little confused at this point. I mean, conservatives welcoming gays into their midst? What is the world coming to?
Have you heard of Kenneth Gladney? No? I'm not surprised. He is a black man who was selling "Don't Tread on Me" flags and buttons at a town hall meeting hosted by Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-MO). He was called a "nigger" and assualted by members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). This happened after the President urged his supporters to attend these meetings and the Tea Party protests, and to "punch back twice as hard." It appears that someone was listening.See also Star Parker, a former welare queen opposed to Obamacare and government programs that portray themselves as helping the poor. She also writes a column at Townhall.
What about Joseph Cao, the first American of Vietnamese decent to serve in the US Congress? A Republican.Bobby Jindal. Michele Bachmann.
What about Michael Williams, running for US Senate from Texas? Is he a hater too? What colors is he afraid of, Russell? Seriously. I want to know.And how about the man you love to hate....Dick Cheney? You know, that hateful man, the one John Edwards and John Kerry felt completly comfortable telling us all that his daughter is a lesbian, as if that somehow matters to conservatives. The same Dick Cheney who opposed the Federal Marriage Amendment. The same one who supports repeal of Don't Ask/Don't Tell.
Both he and his daughter have been welcomed with open arms at conservative events.Weird, huh?
Then there's Katrina Pierson, who spoke at the Dallas Tea Party last year. Someone who Janeane Garofalo for some reason labeled a racist. Katrina even politely invited Janeane to attend the Dallas Tea Party last Independence Day. For some reason Janeane didn't show up.Finally, I would suggest that you actually attend a local Tea Party. Rather than sitting there in your living room listening to Keith Olberman tell you how evil and racist all "those people" are, show up and see for yourself what's going on. See who is attending.
You are the coward. Rather than debating conservatives and our ideas, you label us racists, thereby eliminating any need to actually debate. After all, we're all just a bunch of sheet-wearing, ignorant, bigots. Why should you waste your time talking to people like that.So come on Russell. Put aside your bigotry and prejudices and open your mind.
We'll all be better off if you do.