Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Obviously not having see the movie yet, this is still an interesting read, for some history if not the movie review:

In real history, there is an enemy. The enemy is Islamic Jihad, although sometimes Jihad is called Militant Islam or Islamofascism. Jihad is a permanent war. This means Jihad excludes the idea of peace, but allows for truces (hudnas) to regroup, infiltrate, and attack again.
Jihad—like fascism and totalitarianism - destroys the moral order of humanity.
November 28, 1941, when Hitler made a pact with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem – the grandfather of the PLO – to effect The Final Solution-the extermination of all Jews from the face of the earth.
[T]he Grand Mufti had declared Jihad on the Allied Powers...on November 25, 1941, and the United States of America was attacked two weeks later