Monday, May 18, 2009

Biden Reveals Location Of Formerly Secret VP Bunker

Could this man be any stupider?
Vice President Joe Biden, well-known for his verbal gaffes, may have finally outdone himself, divulging potentially classified information meant to save the life of a sitting vice president.

According to a report, while recently attending the Gridiron Club dinner in Washington, an annual event where powerful politicians and media elite get a chance to cozy up to one another, Biden told his dinnermates about the existence of a secret bunker under the old U.S. Naval Observatory, which is now the home of the vice president.

The bunker is believed to be the secure, undisclosed location former Vice President Dick Cheney remained under protection in secret after the 9/11 attacks.

A few corrections are now required up above:
  • Biden told his dinnermates about the existence of a formerly secret bunker
  • The bunker is believed to once have been the secure, undisclosed location

In December 2002, neighbors complained of loud construction work being done at the Naval Observatory, which has been used as a residence by vice presidents since 1974.

The upset neighbors were sent a letter by the observatory's superintendent, calling the work "sensitive in nature" and "classified" and that it was urgent it be completed "on a highly accelerated schedule."

Residents said they believed workers were digging deep into the ground, which would support Biden's report of a secret bunker, but officials never confirmed the purpose of the work performed.


Nothing is classified or sensitive once Biden knows about it. It wouldn't surprise me to see him accidentally leak the "torture" pictures in the near future.

Thanks, Joe.