Monday, March 23, 2009

The Problem With Barack Obama

"It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something."
-President Obama, March 19, 2009

President Obama's recent "joke" on The Tonight Show about the Special Olympics has many people outraged, but also, unfortunately, has many people reflexively defending the President again.

For over eight years, every utterance of George W. Bush was picked over, and every flub, stutter, and mis-speak was offered up as further proof that George W. Bush is an idiot.

And now, yet again, Obama has inadvertantly shown his true colors, and we see all the Obama apologists come out of the woodwork.

Obama is a wonderful orator. When scripted and using the teleprompter, he is eloquent and can even sound quite inspiring. He does truly have a talent for public speaking.

It is a shame that he so desperately requires the teleprompter. He even needed it for his first press conference.

Whenever he speaks off the cuff, he tends to, often embarrassingly, reveal his true nature.

During the campaign, he referred to a female reporter condescendingly as "sweetie." This was dismissed as Obama just being "friendly."

When walking around a Cleveland suburb, he inadvertently made his famous "spread the wealth around" comment. Rather than engaging in a debate about that comment, the Obama camp began attacking "Joe the Plumber" for merely asking a question.

Now, in a relaxed, unguarded moment, with a sympathetic interviewer, in front of a friendly audience, Obama once again gives us a disturbing glimpse into his soul with his Special Olympics comment.

What kind of human being, while ostensibly trying to make a joke at his own expense, instead insults a significant segment of the population?

Did George W. Bush, stupid as he allegedly is, ever say anything close to Obama's terribly insulting comment?

To defend Obama's comment, the "best" some people can do is come back with comments about Bush's "low" GPA, or his "inability" to use big words. They can't truly defend Obama's so-called "flub," so they reflexively retort with tired, overused "Bushisms," even though the comparison is ridiculous on it's face.

The disturbing truth, that those smitten with Obama are incapable of accepting, is that Obama is an arrogant, elitist, insensitive dolt.