I really don't want to write about American Idol, but I just finished the dishes and am waiting for Transformers to finish encoding (surprisingly, the second pass of AC3 is what's taking so long) [Correction: It's still encoding the video too] , so.....
Odds are now that Adam Lambert is going to win American Idol this season. I sure hope not. To me, his singing is just a lot of showing-off, self-indulgent crap, which may or may not actually fit the song. I had mixed feelings about his rendition of Satisfaction, but now he just seems to keep throwing in the high-pitched screeches just because he can, and because he apparently likes doing it. I'm sure he'll make the top 5, and probably the top 3, but neither I nor my wife actually see him winning. As long as the winner really is determined by call-in votes anyways.
Not that I have a favorite or anything like that.
My personal fav, hottie Megan Joy, got voted off last week. :-(