Kira was certainly feeling better than she was early yesterday morning, so I decided around 11:30 after I picked up the van from the shop, that I'd take her down to the Tea Party downtown.
It was interesting event. Unfortunately I could barely hear anyone talking as I somehow ended up behind the stage. I could barley hear Mancow's voice, much less make out what he was saying. We did manage to sneak around a bit later on so that I could hear part of what Jonathan Hoenig said, but again, not much.
I did run into a former co-worker (from Deluxe) who is unemployed as well now. He has taken it upon himself to make his own "stimulus package," and has started a little store at called Truly Scriptees.
Spread his work ethic around, not his wealth.
Here are some pictures of the, naturally, peaceful and fun event.
All my pics can be found here.