Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Iowa And Taxes

According to this story at the Des Moines Register, Iowa wants to raise taxes by eliminating the current ability to deduct federal taxes when determining state income taxes, a practice known as federal deductibility.

The proposed changes means that the state would receive an estimated additional $595 million per year. But...
Democrats have proposed a plan that would instead lower the state income tax rates and increase certain tax credits to offset the increase.

Well, if the $595 million is going to be offset by another roughly $595 million, meaning there won't be a difference in state revenue, why change the law at all?

Democrats have maintained that two-thirds of Iowans would either see a tax savings or no change at all in their taxes due to the proposal.

Specific numbers show that 49 percent of Iowans who file taxes would get a break in the current tax year, while about 18 percent would see no change.

The remainder – 450,292 people – would see a tax increase, according to the Iowa department of Revenue and Finance.

Ah. Tax the "rich" some more. More spreading around of the wealth. More "fair."


I am certain that the new tax structure would allow the state to more easily shift the tax burden upwards in the future.